Moving on…

When we moved into our current apartment we never felt that we were going to be here for a long time. Heck, we moved to Portugal 5 years ago thinking it was only for a year. Then another year, and so on. When you live like this you never really set up your home. That and a few other reasons are why I never really decorated the place. 

The kids rooms always get set up. They deserve more than anyone to feel at home. But the house itself never seems to get done. One thing I did do was frame and hang some of Evan´s artwork. We have done that in all our homes. Yesterday I took down one of his prints. It is time to pack it up. This has been the hardest thing I have done yet. It just seems wrong to continue to sleep here when his artwork comes down. 


Peter Pan

I was recently home in the States. My mission was to find us a house. A house that I am to turn into a home. While there I heard the song Lost Boy by Ruth B. It took very little time before I started crying. My first thought was of my daughter. My daughter and her innocence. The innocence of having a home, having friends and the simplicity of childhood. We have been on our own adventure. But this adventure jostled part of my children´s innocence. I know that. They know what it is to say farewell. To painfully miss family and friends. They know what it is to be alone in a room and to have to restart.

Sophia and Evan, I could not be more proud of what you have done and accomplished on this adventure. You are both incredible and that gives me peace knowing that you will be okay. Better than okay, you will AMAZE us in this move. But please know that as you are taking on a new challenge that I carry you in my heart and that I am always asking God to give you strength and to bring you happiness. 

But I hope more than anything that you always will know that wherever dad and I are is your home. We love you.