If you’re looking for a great time…

…invite these characters on your family holiday.

I’m serious about that recommendation. These boys are funny as all get out. I laughed my head off on this vacation at their silly antics. But more importantly, because of them, my son no longer gets upset at his ski mishaps, but rather laughs at himself. I will forever owe these boys for the awesome life lesson they taught Nuno (and reminded me of as well).

Besides being funny, they are also good friends to my two. After attending an all girl school, my Lana Banana had forgotten that boys can make good friends. A week with 4 boys left her little choice but to be reminded of that fact.

My friend was not able to join us on this holiday as her mother was very unwell and actually passed away this week. She sent her boys anyway and strongly encouraged us to still go on this two family holiday. Even though she was not in attendance, her spirit was there. It is obvious that her boys have inherited their mother’s love of skiing and general love of life. I thank her for sharing her boys with my family this week. It was one of the best my children have ever had. Thank you LLK. You can rest assured that you have done a great job raising those boys.

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