Homemade tortillas


Not sure when and how I stumbled upon Annie Paxye’s Sensible Living  website, but I was hooked. She’s this interesting woman from British Columbia, Canada. She, her husband and two kids live what would be considered by most, an alternative lifestyle. I don’t necessarily want to live as she does, but I certainly get something positive from reading her blog. She is very connected to her kids and the Earth. I also think that she’s a pretty interesting cook.

As I mentioned before, I have some time on my hands, so when inspired, I am trying out different recipes. Last night, we had some leftover chicken and an overripe tomato that would have gone bad if I didn’t use it that night. I got the idea to make homemade tortillas and use up the food we had rather than just dump it, something I have always hated to do, especially now since the chicken alone cost me $20.

We took the chicken, cut it into small pieces and heated it up. I diced up the tomato & shredded some Tasty cheese (that’s Australian for cheddar cheese…something everyone has a block of in their fridge at all times.) The kids, including a neighbor, were the first to build their wraps. They loved them. I offered them to the dad’s (our neighbors had dropped by) who were watching the footy, but they weren’t interested. However,after taking them some samples they both asked for more. Well, dinner was a success. It is always so funny to me (and a HUGE compliment) when kids ask me for a recipe for something, as my neighbor’s eldest did.

Annie’s recipe for tortillas which can be found here is actually from the Rebar Cookbook. This is the cookbook that I gave my vegetarian niece for her birthday. The recipe is actually pretty easy and all ingredients can be found in one’s pantry.

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