As a stay-at-home mom I try to fill Nuno’s days with fun and (sometimes) enriching activities. One such thing that meets that criteria is visiting the zoo. Since we live so close, we became members soon after our arrival. For the cost of two visits, we can go as often as we like, which we do.
Early into the school year, (February here) we started to head over after dropping Lana off at school on Fridays. The first time I went with my friend Lou she suggested we head straight for the cafe. Very clever idea. We had sat and had a coffee while the boys ate lollipops, then after being fully caffeinated we went exploring. Unfortunately, they did some major renovations at the zoo, and replaced the cafe with a coffee bar leaving us to walk with our coffees…terribly unfortunate for us, I know.
By term two we were joined by the new American in the class and her young son. We don’t necessarily go every Friday, but more often than not we are there by 9:15am. Over time the zoo has become a bit of a playground for the boys. They have their route. They just run ahead of us checking out all the usual exhibits: koalas, frogs, reptiles, giraffes, etc. If you know the zoo, you know our path just by reading those animals listed.
Well Buddy is turning 3. For his birthday, I thought it would be a nice idea to arrange for a photograph of the boys with an animal. I knew that the best laid plans might not result in a good shot. Then you add that we scheduled this during nap time, on a hot day, after having spent the morning in the city at a play with all three boys. As we stood in line, I don’t think any of the moms had much faith in how this would turn out.
Well, as soon as the boys were let into the feeding area, they were in their element. I smile just thinking how cute it was to see them feeding these majestic animals that tower over them. There was no fear, just excitement and joy. I’d like to think that Nuno will never forget this experience, IÂ know I won’t.