Our kids have no, or very limited access to technology during the week. So in the weekend they become technology zombies. After a few hours of watching our lively kids completely disconnect from humanity, Stephen and I start to lose our patience with their addiction.
We try to encourage the children to take breaks from the devices/computer/television. I would love to see them policing their own usage. It’s still a dream. But we all need our dreams, right?
Today after Lana complained that there was nothing to do in this house she got the idea in her mind to bake something. And here we are before my kitchen was destroyed.
Any other tips? All Jake wants to do is play Minecraft 15 hours a day…
I wish I had the answer for this. My kids have no control when left to their own devices (tee, hee), so I ban their using any play devices mid-week. They can use the computer to write if they have an assignment. If they have been amazing, and everything that needs to be done is done, and the stars are aligned are they allowed on devices. It works for my sanity, but not sure it´s the right advice. It does sometimes make more work for us, but I think kids get better at being disconnected the more they are so.