I feel Glorious!!!

This song popped up the other day and I added it to my running playlist as I often do when good songs come on. When it came on during my run/walk the day after I met with my surgeon I had the opportunity to actually listen to the lyrics and I was brought to a standstill with tears pouring down my face. 

I feel glorious, glorious
Got a chance to start again
I was born for this, born for this
It’s who I am, how could I forget?
I made it through the darkest part of the night
And now I see the sunrise
Now I feel glorious, glorious
I feel glorious, glorious

Cancer sucks. Cancer during a pandemic sucks more. But I am strong. And I am loved. Each step towards healing is a glorious gift. As I listened to the lyrics by heart swelled. I simply could not contain how much love I felt in my heart for all my blessings. In a minute I could call on any of my siblings and they would come running. My father in his elderly state would do ANYTHING for me. Stephen and the kids would too!

Damn, this cancer stinks, but my blessings are greater and for that, I feel GLORIOUS!

Great hands

Last Tuesday I met with my surgeon. Being a quarter way through my chemo she wanted to check if there was any shrinking of the cancer in my lyphnodes. The great news is that there was some shrinking which means the chemo seems to be working. 

As the masses in my breast are not seen well with the ultrasound machine, we couldn’t really check on those. Because my cancer is not visible in a mammogram or ultrasound I asked if a double mastectomy might be a smart decision to avoid a future undetected cancer. That, or would I be a candidate for an annual MRI. The doctor said that I am now a candidate for an annual MRI which is great news. She also shared that she feels a lumpectomy might be all that I need if the chemo continues to do its job. 

My surgeon is highly recommended, but she is also a sweet soul and I left her office feeling thoughtfully cared for. Surgery is due in March and I feel that I will be in great hands.