Making beach days easier…

I love being at the beach. However getting there and getting back to the car can be a real drag with two, now three (we have a house guest for 7 weeks) kids in tow. Another pain is unpacking and packing up at home. It seems no matter how hard I tried something was always forgotten somewhere. And even though I was always doing the yeoman’s share of the work, it somehow was always my fault. I needed a plan. And that plan involved getting everyone to take care of themselves.

Two days ago I went to the sports shop and bought each child a 5€ backpack. With all the kids activities packing and unpacking for a sport ALWAYS leads to a situation where some critical thing is left behind at home. It might sound a bit lavish, but I have realized this year that it’s best to have a bag for each activity. Lana has a pool swim bag and a music backpack. Nuno has a small soccer pack, a music pack and a pool bag that he shares with his mom. And now they each have a beach back pack.

Yesterday was our first day trying them out and we all loved them. They each had their own towel, cap, rash shirt, book/magazine, healthy snack and water bottle. They each grabbed their bag and a board an off they went. Bloody brilliant if you ask me!